Welcome to the Border Patrol Supervisors Association (BPSA) website. The BPSA was established in 1990 in San Diego, California, to provide Legal Defense Coverage for its members. Our main goal in today’s litigious society is to provide coverage for our members in the performance of their duties while on or off duty. For coverage information, please visit our coverage page.
The BPSA has grown from under 100 members in San Diego CA in 2004 to about 700 members nationwide. We have the majority of members in San Diego Sector but also have membership spread out throughout the 20 sectors, to include DC Headquarters. Our executive board has continued to serve our members on a volunteer basis by ensuring dues to the PORAC Legal Defense Fund (LDF), stay current so we can continue having legal coverage.
We acknowledge the majority of members join the BPSA for LDF coverage and think it ends there. It does not. The BPSA engages with its members to provide support in the times of needs, offers annual Scholarship opportunities, retirement gifts, and the annual Christmas Party in San Diego, California, among the day-to-day support and engagement with supervisors’ questions.
The BPSA strives to support causes that impact its members. While we have donation limits, the BPSA supports its members and the organization in one way or another. In May 2022, the BPSA voted on an immediate monetary contribution to the family of any active BPSA member who passes on or off duty. Feel free to contact usbpsasecretary@gmail.com to discuss any support you wish the BPSA to help with or if you have any questions.