Border Patrol Supervisors Association

Welcome to the Border Patrol Supervisors Association (BPSA) website. The BPSA was established in 1990 in San Diego, California, to provide Legal Defense Coverage for its members. Our main goal in today’s litigious society is to provide coverage for our members in the performance of their duties while on or off duty. For coverage information, please visit our coverage page.

The BPSA has grown from under 100 members in San Diego CA in 2004 to about 700 members nationwide. We have the majority of members in San Diego Sector but also have membership spread out throughout the 20 sectors, to include DC Headquarters. Our executive board has continued to serve our members on a volunteer basis by ensuring dues to the PORAC Legal Defense Fund (LDF), stay current so we can continue having legal coverage.

We acknowledge the majority of members join the BPSA for LDF coverage and think it ends there. It does not. The BPSA engages with its members to provide support in the times of needs, offers annual Scholarship opportunities, retirement gifts, and the annual Christmas Party in San Diego, California, among the day-to-day support and engagement with supervisors’ questions.

The BPSA strives to support causes that impact its members. While we have donation limits, the BPSA supports its members and the organization in one way or another. In May 2022, the BPSA voted on an immediate monetary contribution to the family of any active BPSA member who passes on or off duty. Feel free to contact to discuss any support you wish the BPSA to help with or if you have any questions.

  Border Patrol Operators Association

We are pleased to announce the chartering of a new association to ensure that all agents have access to civil and criminal legal defense. Due to PORAC By-laws, non-bargaining and non-managerial agents are not eligible for coverage under the BPSA. To address this, the Border Patrol Operators Association offers nationwide legal defense coverage through the Fraternal Order of Police Legal Defense Plan, available to all DHS law enforcement personnel. This ensures there are no gaps in legal coverage within our community.

The National Fraternal Order of Police (NFOP) is the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with over 373,000 members. The Operators Association attorneys have demonstrated their expertise, notably successfully defending a member involved in a fatal shooting incident with bandits in the San Diego Sector. For those interested in joining, instructions for membership are attached.

  Covid Hazardous Duty Pay Lawsuit

  • The Bureau of Prisons’ appeal for hazardous duty pay has been unsuccessful, and as a result, the BPSA will not pursue any further actions related to this case.
5/6/2022 to 7/1/2022

  2022 Scholarship Application

The BPSA is inviting scholarship applications from students whose parent or legal guardian is an active member of the BPSA, spouses or dependents of members who have died in the line of duty, and children of honorary members (retired USBP Supervisors) whose active record is maintained by BPSA (excludes current Honorary members or spouses of current or honorary members; they are not eligible for application). Please see the application for complete eligibility requirements.

The deadline for application is June 30, 2022.

  New Membership Application

The BPSA has just released its new membership application. Please follow the directions on the form and note the current dues of $15 per pay period.

  2024 Scholarship Recipients

The BPSA is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Scholarships. Please click below to learn more about the program and view a list of this year’s recipients. Congratulations!

Executive Board

  • James Robertson, President
  • Yesenia Navarro, Vice President
  • Jeremiah Darby, Secretary
  • Jeff Mair, Treasurer
  • Kallie Vargas, Sergeant at Arms